Vitalforce Homeopathy



Arsenicum alb. Generalised. Chronic pain is often burning, sensitive scalp Acute > cold Chronic > heat< midnight – 2 a.m. Restlessness and anxiety. Headaches usually accompany  other complaints.
Belladonna Feels as though head would burst, throbbing, especially felt in forehead or around the eyes <  movement, noise, light, lying flat, bending forward. 3 p.m.> pressure, sitting up or bending back Face is flushed, pupils dilated. Very violent pain
Bryonia Bursting pain in forehead and behind eyes. < warm room, heat, slightest motion, as the day progresses.

> firm pressure, sitting absolutely still in the  dark

Great irritability. Wants to be left alone in the dark. Migraines, with nausea. Very thirsty.
Gelsemium Dull, heavy, aching feeling like band around the head. Eyelids droop < morning, sun, heat

> lying down with head raised. After urination.

Not thirsty. Heavy feeling. Fluey headache.
Hepar sulph. Like nail thrust into head. Scalp extremely sensitive. Especially above nose < motion, riding in car, uncovering head, drafts.

> firm pressure, dry weather.

The sensitivity of the scalp is most prominent. Complains  intensely.
Nux vomica With nausea and distaste for food. Back of head or  over eyes. < morning, mental effort, cold

> warmth, lying down, covering head.

Check source of  headache.  Nux relieves headache from overeating or stimulants, alcohol.
Pulsatilla Front of head. Congestive headaches. Pains wander. Head hot < sun, heat, blowing nose, evening

> cold, open air

Common after eating rich foods. School-girl’s headache.
Aconite Sneezing, nose stopped up Very thirsty for cold drinks, dry tongue, bitter taste. Worse for wind, heat. Wakes up after 1 or 2 hours of sleep. Sudden onset, early stages of respiratory infections,  esp. croup. Great anxiety and restlessness.
Allium cepa Much sneezing nose streams clear and burning skin Eyes stream, lips sore. Hot and thirsty < warm room

> open air

General raw feeling can extend to throat & chest
Arsenicum alb Frequent & painful sneezing. Discharge thin,watery  & burning. Thirsty for small amounts of water. Tongue white burning  pain in throat. > warm drinks, by sitting up

< 12 to 2 am,                             cold

Tremendous restlessness and anxiety. General feeling  of burning
Belladonna Nose swollen, red sore and hot. Little mucous Throat very red and raw. Hoarseness. Thirstless. < motion,       3 pm, light, noise,  touch. Sudden onset. Hot face, cold extremities. Often accompanied  with headache
Bryonia Tendency to settle in chest quickly. Thirst for large quantities. Tongue coated white or  brown. < slightest  motion, 9 pm

> lying still, pressure

Dry, painful cough. Very irritable, wants to be left alone
Dulcamara Severe sneezing, often congestion and sinusitis Eyes red & sore throat < damp, cold, change from warm to cold, drafts Good Fall cold and flu remedy with frequent urination.
Gelsemium Flu-like symptoms, nostrils sore from discharge Eyelids heavy, coated tongue. < 10 am

> urination, near the fire

Chills up & Down spine, heavy aching limbs. Great fatigue and weakness.
Hepar sulph. Sinusitis with thick and yellow and offensive discharge Splinter-like pains in throat. Croup < night < uncovering any part, the least draft Irritable and hypersensitive.
Nux vomica Nose alternately blocked (night) and running (day) Mouth dry < open air, cold, noise, light, dry weather

> wet weather, warmth, warm drinks

Extremely chilly. Very irritable and impatient.
Phosphorus One nostril blocked, one running. Colds go to chest Sore throat with hoarseness. Dry lips and tongue. Thirst for cold drinks > cold drinks and food, sleep

< cold, change of temperature, twilight, fasting

Good for lingering, tickling coughs. Worse talking, cold air, lying on left side.
Pulsatilla Thick, bland, yellow or green discharge or stuffed up (ripe cold) Chapped lips, dry mouth without thirst. Loss of appetite. < warm room, twilight and evening

> open air

Patient usually mild, perhaps weepy. Wants company. Colds that linger.



Aconite Sneezing, nose stopped up Very thirsty for cold drinks, dry tongue, bitter taste. Worse for wind, heat. Wakes up after 1 or 2 hours of sleep. Sudden onset, early stages of respiratory infections,  esp. croup. Great anxiety and restlessness.
Allium cepa Much sneezing nose streams clear and burning skin Eyes stream, lips sore. Hot and thirsty < warm room

> open air

General raw feeling can extend to throat & chest
Arsenicum alb Frequent & painful sneezing. Discharge thin,watery  & burning. Thirsty for small amounts of water. Tongue white burning  pain in throat. > warm drinks, by sitting up

< 12 to 2 am,                             cold

Tremendous restlessness and anxiety. General feeling  of burning
Belladonna Nose swollen, red sore and hot. Little mucous Throat very red and raw. Hoarseness. Thirstless. < motion,       3 pm, light, noise,  touch. Sudden onset. Hot face, cold extremities. Often accompanied  with headache
Bryonia Tendency to settle in chest quickly. Thirst for large quantities. Tongue coated white or  brown. < slightest  motion, 9 pm

> lying still, pressure

Dry, painful cough. Very irritable, wants to be left alone
Dulcamara Severe sneezing, often congestion and sinusitis Eyes red & sore throat < damp, cold, change from warm to cold, drafts Good Fall cold and flu remedy with frequent urination.
Gelsemium Flu-like symptoms, nostrils sore from discharge Eyelids heavy, coated tongue. < 10 am

> urination, near the fire

Chills up & Down spine, heavy aching limbs. Great fatigue and weakness.
Hepar sulph. Sinusitis with thick and yellow and offensive discharge Splinter-like pains in throat. Croup < night < uncovering any part, the least draft Irritable and hypersensitive.
Nux vomica Nose alternately blocked (night) and running (day) Mouth dry < open air, cold, noise, light, dry weather

> wet weather, warmth, warm drinks

Extremely chilly. Very irritable and impatient.
Phosphorus One nostril blocked, one running. Colds go to chest Sore throat with hoarseness. Dry lips and tongue. Thirst for cold drinks > cold drinks and food, sleep

< cold, change of temperature, twilight, fasting

Good for lingering, tickling coughs. Worse talking, cold air, lying on left side.
Pulsatilla Thick, bland, yellow or green discharge or stuffed up (ripe cold) Chapped lips, dry mouth without thirst. Loss of appetite. < warm room, twilight and evening

> open air

Patient usually mild, perhaps weepy. Wants company. Colds that linger.



Aconite Stomach flu in hot weather, especially after drinking  ice-cold drinks < touch, at night, lying on painful part

> open air, perspiring, sitting still.

Anxious and restless.
Arsenicum alb. Burning pains, retching and vomiting, offensive diarrhea < 12 to 2 a.m.

> warm drinks, warmth

Travel tummy. Food poisoning. Wants sips to drink, anxious.
Bryonia Pressure like a stone in stomach. Nausea and faintness  sitting up. Stomach sensitive to touch. Constipation. No desire. > lying on painful part, pressure, rest, cold things

< the slightest movement.

Irritable, wants to be left alone. Lethargy, thirst  for large amounts of water.
Carbo veg. Bloating, heaviness, burping and wind. Pain in pit  of stomach. Pain right after eating or drinking. < fatty foods

> sitting up, burping

Often the person feels very weak and wants to be constantly fanned or have the window open.
Chamomilla Tummy sensitive to touch, distended. No relief from  passing wind. Colic with teething. < 9 pm to midnight > Application of heat, being carried or rocked. Children are inconsolable and very irritable. Often  comes on after tantrum.
Colocynthis Serious, painful stomach cramps causing the patient to bend double. Spluttery diarrhea. > hard pressure, bending forward, warmth. Angry and sensitive. Bitter taste in mouth.
Ignatia Stomach upset after grief. Contradictory symptoms.  Nausea relieved by eating. Sensation of lump in throat and stomach. < colds, eating sweets, emotional upset, strong  odors > warmth, while eating, pressure, distraction. Ignatia patients sigh or yawn frequently and are very nervous.
Ipecac Nausea on an empty stomach, not relieved by vomiting.  Profuse salivation, disgust for food, perspiration, clean tongue. Thirstless. < noise, music, food, esp. veal or pork, hot humid  weather.

> rest with eyes closed.

Anxiety and restlessness. Often indicated when child gets ill after being punished.
Mag. Phos. Like Colocynthis with restlessness and burping which  does not relieve. < night

> rubbing, bending double, warm applications

Good for premenstrual cramps. Not angry, prefers quiet.
Nux vomica Weight and pain in stomach 1 to 2 hours after eating. After overeating. May want to vomit, but can’t. < alcohol, coffe, tobacco, on waking

> hot food or drink, after stool.

Irritability and hypersensitivity to noise and light.
Pulsatilla Nausea on full stomach especially after eating rich foods or becoming overheated. Lots of gas. Nervous diarrhea < stuffy rooms, evening

> fresh air, cold food and drink

Thirstless, strange food cravings. Can be caused by emotional upset.




Aconite Red, dry, swollen, burning < wind, warm room, night

> Open air

Fearful, restless
Apis Red, inflamed, swollen tonsils. Burning, stinging,  constriction < warm drinks or food

> cold drinks, sucking on ice cubes

Sensation of fishbone stuck in throat. Hurts whether  swallowing or not.
Belladonna Acute tonsilitis. Tonsils scarlet, burning. Desire to swallow despite pain. Tickling in  larynx. Difficulty sleeping  when ill.

< touch, light noise easily startled

Desires lemons or lemonade. Hard to swallow anything.
Ferrum phos. Acute, non-violent tonsilitis. < on waking, swallowing Used for sore throat from singing.
Hepar sulph. Sensation of stick in throat. Tonsils throb, on swallowing,  pain radiates to ears. < cold, touch

> hot drinks

Highly irritable and sensitive. Often starts after  exposure to cold.
Lachesis Left-sided sore throat. Constant tickle. < empty swallowing, touch, warm or hot drinks

> swallowing food

Throat hurts most trying to cough up mucous. Worst when wakes up.
Mercurius Cold settles in throat. Desire to swallow, makes it <

Great amount of saliva. Pain extends to ears

< right side, change in temperature, open air, after eating

> daytime, rest

Characteristic bad breath. Mucous gives off bad odor  also.
Sulphur Burning pain. Red lips, ears. < warm food, drink

> cold drinks, open air

Swollen tonsils, offensive breath.



Antimonium crud. Impetigo, warts (esp. plantar) chicken pox < radiant heat, sun, bathing

> open air, during rest

Fretful, don’t want even to be looked at. Aversion to touch.
Antimonium tart. Acne, chicken pox with formation of pustules. < evening, sour foods, milk, warmth.

> sitting up

Desire company, drowsy, irritable, sweaty, whining
Causticum Warts near fingernail, on nose, large, jagged, bleed easily < dry weather, getting cold

> damp weather, heat of bed, warmth.

Dulcamara Warts on face, or palms of hands. Smooth and flat.   Coming on in Fall as weather becomes cold.
Hepar sulph. Acne, painful boils filled with pus. < before midnigght, morning

> damp weather, warmth

Localises infection.
Nitric acid Warts, large, jagged, bleed on washing. Eruptions, herpes, acne < cold or hot weather, morning

> riding in car

Stitching, splinter-like pain. Strong odor of urine.  Chilly.
Pulsatilla Chicken pox or measles – open air, cold applications

< warmth, fatty foods, towards evening.

Usual pulsatilla characteristics should be present.
Rhus tox. Chicken pox, poison  ivy, excema, herpes, shingles. < cold, cold, wet weather, left side, autumn, morning

> continued motion, warm weather, hot bathing

Patient restless, cannot sit still. Often red triangular tip of tongue.
Sulphur Acne, chicken pox, eczema, boils, herpes. < warmth, heat of bed, night, bathing, wool.

> cold applications

Lots of itching with eruptions. Tends to perspire excessively.Very thirsty and hot.
Thuja Warts on hands and fingers, face and eyelids, skin tags, eczema, acne < cold, left side, damp weather. Thuja patients are usually very self-conscious.
Urtica urens Urticaria, esp. from overheating and exertion. chicken  pox with sensitivity and burning, stinging pains   Mother tincture usually used topically to relieve.
Calendula All skin conditions Used topically and internally for irritation and rash



Belladonna Red ear, ear canal, flushed face, sudden onset with fever < 3 p.m., motion, right ear, night

> sitting with head raised, warmth

Ear feels hot and throbs. Child is agitated.
Calc. carb. Head hot and sweats profusely. Congested throbbing  pain with thick yellow discharge. < cold wind, exertion Often chronic and accompanied with nasal congestion which is thick and bland. Very chilly child.
Chamomilla Extreme pain, out of proportion with inflammation.  Very irritable. < cold air or wind

> temporarily from being carried or rocked.

Angry cry. Doesn’t want you to touch ear. Often accompanies  teething
Ferrum phos. Early stages, slow onset. < left ear often accompanies other cold symptoms
Hepar sulph Splinter-like pain in ear, often accompanied with croupy cough. < slightest touch and cold

> warm applications

Child hypersensitive. May have offensive discharge.
Mercurius Especially chronic ear infections. May be gluey yellow-green pus or discharge < night, warmth of bed, heat

> blowing the nose.

Excessive salivation

Bad breath

Often have swollen glands

Pulsatilla Little pain during day. Comes on after cold or chilling. < heat, at night in bed

> cool applications

Weepy, congested. Want attention and consolation. Thirstless. Not angry.
Mullein oil Drop directly in ear if there is no discharge. Can be used  in conjunction with other remedies taken internally.
Plantago Tincture diluted in water. A few drops in the ear. Good especially when accompanied by teething pain. Can also be used on the gums to sooth that pain.